Oliver Hangl

born 1968, currently lives in Vienna

1992 actor: Serapionstheater, Vienna
1992 – 99 producer, actor: Theater Sparverein Die Unzertrennlichen, Vienna
1993 – 2000 studies: Theatre-Theory, Italian at University of Vienna (Mag. phil.)
1997 London-residency sponsored by Austrian Ministry of Culture
2003 guest professor University of Arts, Linz
2003 – 2006 state studio grant by Austrian bka
2004 Rome-residency sponsored by Austrian bka
2005 winner project: competition "Im Rausch" by IG Kultur, Vienna
2007 Berlin-residency sponsored by TESLA
launch of project space k48, Vienna
lecturer University of Applied Arts, Vienna
Paris-residency sponsored by BMUKK
2009 lecturer University of Vienna: Department of Theatre, Film- and Media Studies

2010 Austrian state award for fine arts (Staatsstipendium)
2013 lecturer Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts & Design, Kiel

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